Yesterday, while I was on the computer, I tried to open an application and the computer decided to freeze. Nothing that a reset can't fix, I thought. So I reset, and waited. And waited. And waited...but Windows would not start, I was stuck at a black screen with nothing I can do. Safe Mode did not work. Last known good configuration did not work. Nothing worked. Luckily, I had another partition with an older copy of Windows that still worked. I booted that copy and reinstalled Windows, and selected the Repair option for the affected partition. That fixed it and, thankfully, everything is back to normal.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Google Chrome Sync Feature
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Backup Even in the Cloud
A few weeks ago, I opened my Youtube account and wanted to have a look at one of the channels I'm subscribed to. I browsed to my subscriptions page and I was ready to click on the channel, but there was no channel name. It disappeared and so did all my other channels. I thought that I was doing something wrong, or they moved the links to somewhere else on the page or site. But a simple Google search revealed that I'm not mistaken and I'm not the only one with the problem.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Glide Present II
I've been away from this blog for too long. I stumbled upon it today while looking for something, and I remembered that it was here. When I got here, I started reading the entries and thought I should continue with Glide and their offerings. This entry is about their presenter, as you can see from the title.
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